Monday, May 19, 2008

Mitchell's Birthday

Happy Birthday Mitchell!
When did he get so big?!
He was born Mitchell Sigmeth Hoffman on May 14, 2004 at 11:12pm at Regions Hospital in St. Paul. He weighed 8# and 12oz. and he was 21 1/2 inches long. Now he weighs 42# and I have no clue how tall, but he's a Big Boy!
He brought donuts to Weecare to share with his friends and Grandma&Grandpa came over for dinner and cupcakes that evening--They brought him Speed Racer because Mitchell said to his friends at Weecare that morning, "I'm going to get a Speed Racer for my birthday!" I had to make an emergency call to Grandpa who went out to find The Speed Racer!
Funny...he has the same facial expression 4 years later!

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