Thursday, February 22, 2007

Chris Visits

We sure enjoyed Chris's visit last Sunday. He is going to Mississippi next week over his spring break to cntinue to help Hurricane Katrina victims. Last year he presented a slideshow of his trip to a middle school class in the Robbinsdale school district (also his Uncle Steve's classroom!) He is a great young man--we are very proud of him!
Mitch loves playing around with Brother Chris. One day he just looked at a picture of him and said clear as a bell, "that's Brother Chris!" So all this time he knew Chris's name, he just waited until he was ready to voice it! Maria is a little scared of her biggest brother--could be the dark hair, the crazy t-shirt, the hat (although she really digs the hat!), or just that she doesn't see him that often. After all, we all know he's just a big sweetheart--no scary guy there! Pretty soon she'll be competing with Mitch for his affections and Chris will wish she was still scared of him!

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