Wednesday, February 28, 2007

So Big!

Mitch likes to climb into Maria's crib and wrestle around with her! He throws the blanket over her head and they both giggle like crazy--it's my favorite sound! He was playing with his toys from the Cars movie he borrowed from Grandpa and his cars talk to each other and he says, "you're my best friend!" So I asked him who Mom's best friend is and he looks around, smiles and says, "Daddy!" I then asked, "Who's Mitchell's best friend?" And just like in elementary school I was waiting on his answer, hoping it was me, and he smiles again and says, "Chris!" Now that's pretty cool!
Maria still was not very happy to have Chris hold her, but she did sit on Mom's lap right next to Chris through dinner. It could have been because I was feeding her broccoli too, she does love her food!


Chris's trip to Mississippi was cancelled last week due to the storm that came across the nation. We are in luck to have him visit--he got a hair cut! How awesome it that?!

He even dyed it red and black--soon he will be shaving off the rest, but for now it was worth the reaction he got from his dad!

Cannon Curling Club

The 3rd annual Breast Cancer Fundraiser Volleyball Tourney. The first year a group of about 21 people got together to play VB--Tim wanted the number 28 on his shirt, so Amy Pickar ordered 21 lime green shirts with the number 28 on the back! "Go 2-8!" was the theme for the day. The second year they challenged the teams with theme costumes--they should have known better! This year Chuck and I played on the JugsorNOT team and we wore scrubs. Not the most creative, but the most comfortable I bet! The pirate team won the costume contest--well deserved. A Cannon Curling Club team will hold the silver barbie trophy for another year. The Yo Mammy team had their own mammy machine as you can see in the photo. On the back side they gave honor to breast cancer survivors, and my mom, Helen Sigmeth, was named along with Sharon Callister, Mary Blastervold, and in memory of Faye Swenson to name a few women who have battled against this cnacer. Strong and beautiful women! Sharon Callister even got a Mammy from the team's homemade machine! According to the emails which followed the big tourney, a fun time was had by all!

Thursday, February 22, 2007


These are my favorite photos. Grandpa and Grandma Sigmeth in their element (Mitch & Grandpa and Grandma & Maria last May). We are all so lucky to have them--Mitch and Maria get treated extra special, and Mom & Dad get a break once in a while! The kids and I usually visit G&G on the weekends, and it sure helps to have a couple extra arms to hug these two! Sometimes the little ones get to stay overnight--we all love those times! Mitch and Grandpa went out sliding last weekend--they had to go into "Gampa's back garage to warm up!" once in awhile, but both of them got lots of fresh air and the girls got a little time to gab!

Chris Visits

We sure enjoyed Chris's visit last Sunday. He is going to Mississippi next week over his spring break to cntinue to help Hurricane Katrina victims. Last year he presented a slideshow of his trip to a middle school class in the Robbinsdale school district (also his Uncle Steve's classroom!) He is a great young man--we are very proud of him!
Mitch loves playing around with Brother Chris. One day he just looked at a picture of him and said clear as a bell, "that's Brother Chris!" So all this time he knew Chris's name, he just waited until he was ready to voice it! Maria is a little scared of her biggest brother--could be the dark hair, the crazy t-shirt, the hat (although she really digs the hat!), or just that she doesn't see him that often. After all, we all know he's just a big sweetheart--no scary guy there! Pretty soon she'll be competing with Mitch for his affections and Chris will wish she was still scared of him!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Daddy Daycare

Mitchell got a haircut! The kids were home with Chuck today and they ran some errands. Mitch sat really well to have his hair cut, and was so excited he forgot to take a nap! He read a couple books and went right to bed tonight--I have a feeling he will sleep all night! Maria took her first big tumble, and if you look closely you may see a few astro turf burns on her forehead. She is one tough cookie though, and it will be the first of many! Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll sleep all night too! Mitchell took this photo of us--even though I didn't get a chance to edit her red eyes, Maria still looks like she's focusing intently on what I'm telling her--she looks pretty tough standing there with her bibs on and carrying her book, probably thinking, "Whatever, Mom!"

"My Seat!"

Mitchell is very good at sharing with Maria, but some days it's just all about him! He strapped himself into the bouncey seat, turned on the vibrator (it makes the seat shake) and sat back to watch some TV! The only problem for him was trying to get out! "Let me out seat belt!" he said. I took my time thinking that the longer he sat in there the less time I would have to chase him around and around the house. I think his favorite command is, "Run, Mom!"

Tubby Time!

I love this photo of Maria Helen as I have a photo of myself getting a bath in this same sink some 30 or so years ago! Usually Mitch likes to have Maria in the tubby with him, but this evening Mitch was boycotting the tub, and instead of fighting him on it Dad just got out the washcloth and gave him a sponge bath! I hope it doesn't become a problem--we don't want to get the call from school that we have the stinky kid!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


It is so tough to get photos of Mitch's face as he is so busy doing stuff! Usually these are the photos I get as he's reaching for the camera saying, "My turn!" or "Me see it!" He still has those big blue eyes and eye lashes like wiperblades as Grandpa described them. He's finally started to talk and now there's no stopping him!

Pretty in Pink

Grandma brought Maria some stylin' shades to go with her "out on the town" outfit. What a cutie pie! She stands by herself for about 30 seconds--she'll be walking very soon! We knew she had kicked the cold today as she was eating like her old self--her dad could not shovel it in her mouth fast enough! She was howling between every bite!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Two Cuties

Mitch and Maria shared a cold the past couple weeks...Mitch left with "Gamma" this evening to keep her company as this is "Gampa's" weekend to work. Maria stayed home with Mom and Dad so that Mitch and Grandma could have some quality time together. I'm sure they will be chasing around the house, watching the movie Cars and eating Grandma's homemade sausage and cookies.

Transformed Basement

The exercise equipment was delivered this morning. Chuck needs to go shopping for some new spandex to get in gear for the program!
Weight set...

This is the pump room area of the basement before Chuck and his friend Joe (mostly Joe's sweat in the basement) cleaned, sealed, and painted.

My grandparents were very patriotic and Grandpa Sigmeth served in WWII, so the basement was painted red, white, and blue. Now it is mostly white! Now the only sweat in the basement will be from using the new equipment!