Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Maria and Mitchell started their first swimming lessons at the Cannon Falls pool on Monday. I don't think it has been over 70 degrees since then! They both got in the pool with their lifeguard teachers on Monday and due to the 63 degree weather on Tuesday they had a safety day. Today Maria was sick so she didn't get in the pool, but Mitchell swam by himself and had a try at the diving board!!! Maria said she will go in the pool and swim without holding on to Sylvie (her teacher) tomorrow.
We had a busy spring with birthdays! Maria's was on April 5th and we had dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Mitchell (May 14) had a party at the Green Lake Park with his friend Sam whose birthday is May 10th. It was a cold day for May, but the kids had a good time!
I am off for the summer until August 17th and we have a family vacation planned for Brainerd the week of July 20th. We sure are looking forward to it! Enjoy the photos and have a safe Fourth of July.

1 comment:

G. Sigmeth said...

Mitchell sure is a great swimmer! Wait till he gets to the lake!Maria will be great too!