Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday, Chris!

Photo #1 Elementary School some year...
Photo #2 First Guitar?! Hey--I recognize the clock!
Photo #3 Grandma Pudge and her second Grandchild, sometime in 1986...
Photo #4 "M-I-C, See you real soon, K-E-Y, Why? Because we love you!"

Chris will be spending his 23rd birthday on July 3rd in Boise, Idaho, where the temperatures are in the hundreds...his internship is going well! And his mom, Connie, will be visiting him over his Big Day! Check out his blog at www.christophermarc.blogspot.com or also on facebook if you are online and in tune! Grandma Pudge got a phone call from Chris, and immediately following she called Chuck & I to tell us what a wonderful young man he is--it makes a person feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

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