Monday, July 28, 2008

Como Zoo

Mitchell & Maria and I also went to the zoo with a few friends from work.


We had a fabulous dinner at Bonefish and had some fresh fish from the Seattle Fish market. We had a rocky flight out there, but nothing a little Dramamine and a cold drink couldn't soothe. We forgot our camera everywhere we went--so we only got a few photos. We got up the foothills of the Sawtooth Mountains to Bogus Basin the ski resort. Beautiful scenery! And of course not to mention the "float" down the butt numbing Boise River! Saturday night we got to see The Crucible at the theatre Chris is working at this summer. We had a great time visiting Chris and Mitchell and Maria had a great time with Grama and Grampa. They went to Como Zoo and saw a "big Monkey". They got to ride on a few rides and had a picnic. We were glad to be home to see them!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Around the Fourth of July

Maria loves ponies!  She is our little sweet heart.

She saw the picture of Mitchell sticking out his tongue, so of course, Monkey See Monkey Do!

I can hardly get Mitch to stand still to get a decent photo, but here he is with his bright eyes!

You will hardly believe this, but Mitchell put on a pair of jeans!!!  This little fella is making great strides and growing up fast!  Grandma bought him a few more pairs of jeans after he wore these three days in a row!

Gotta cuddle with them when I can--No, Mitchell is not freaking out because he's sitting with me, I'm sure something scary is happening to Scooby Doo!

Finally!  A photo of them together!  Mitchell is happy to visit his toddler bed in Maria's room and she is happy to have it to play on.  So far she has only taken naps in it, but I think she really likes waking up and being able to come out of her room on her own.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday, Chris!

Photo #1 Elementary School some year...
Photo #2 First Guitar?! Hey--I recognize the clock!
Photo #3 Grandma Pudge and her second Grandchild, sometime in 1986...
Photo #4 "M-I-C, See you real soon, K-E-Y, Why? Because we love you!"

Chris will be spending his 23rd birthday on July 3rd in Boise, Idaho, where the temperatures are in the hundreds...his internship is going well! And his mom, Connie, will be visiting him over his Big Day! Check out his blog at or also on facebook if you are online and in tune! Grandma Pudge got a phone call from Chris, and immediately following she called Chuck & I to tell us what a wonderful young man he is--it makes a person feel all warm and fuzzy inside!