Monday, May 19, 2008

Mitchell's Birthday

Happy Birthday Mitchell!
When did he get so big?!
He was born Mitchell Sigmeth Hoffman on May 14, 2004 at 11:12pm at Regions Hospital in St. Paul. He weighed 8# and 12oz. and he was 21 1/2 inches long. Now he weighs 42# and I have no clue how tall, but he's a Big Boy!
He brought donuts to Weecare to share with his friends and Grandma&Grandpa came over for dinner and cupcakes that evening--They brought him Speed Racer because Mitchell said to his friends at Weecare that morning, "I'm going to get a Speed Racer for my birthday!" I had to make an emergency call to Grandpa who went out to find The Speed Racer!
Funny...he has the same facial expression 4 years later!

Mother's Day 2008

It was a beautiful day!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Is it summer yet?

We spent an evening getting the toys out of the top of the was like a birthday party for the kids!  They were so excited to see the horse again!  We've been out on the trails a couple times already this spring and we met some other daycare friends out at the lake park.

We have a big day planned for Mother's Day.  We start by Kirsten sleeping in (which means any time after 5:30 am) and then bringing coffee cake to Steve and Lisa's in West St Paul to celebrate with the Hoffman family.  Then we get the chance to attend a carnival in Cannon Falls the student council is putting on to raise money for a new mammogram machine up at the hospital in town-excellent cause!  Then after Grandma and Grandpa meet us at the carnival they will come over to enjoy a terrific dinner prepared by Chef Chuck.  Brent & Wendy will also be here to celebrate with the Sigmeth clan.

Chris has made it to Boise, Idaho for his summer internship at the Shakespeare Theatre Festival.  Chuck and I plan to take a long weekend to fly out and visit with Chris and attend at least one of the plays he will have a hand in.  I am leaning towards "The Crucible", but I'll need to read up on it so I can follow along!  He came to visit during the 3-4 days he had between his last final at Concordia and departure on the Greyhound for Boise.  We were lucky to see him as his car was broken down (I'll spare you the details) but he was resourceful and his friend Ian drove him down and had dinner with us too!  What a charming young man.  He noticed that Chris was pretty much the main attraction when he's here!  Maria loves how he throws her up in the air and she gives him lots of cuddles.  Chris read to Mitchell before bed and he asked Mitchell if he knew where Idaho was and Mitchell replied, "Yeah, Idaho is where the potatoes come from that I eat!"  Chris also said that Mitchell looked pretty sad when he told him he wouldn't see him all summer.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone--remember MY mom is the best!  I strive to be a mom just like her--I love to see her light up when she sees the kids.  I told Mitchell that it's always sunny at Grandma's house because her smile is so bright!  Maria agreed with a screeching, "GAMMA!"  I enjoy watching my folks with the kids because it gives me a slight glimpse of how they were with Brent and me.  Sometimes it is overwhelming to think of our good life!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Water Park Photos

Wisconsin Dells

Mitchell waits for his PJs to dry the night before we head out on the highway for Wisconsin!

"Little Amy" and Kirsten at the water park. Amy was playing ball with Mitchell and he says, "And Little Amy made a score!"
This was the last afternoon at the water park. Minutes after the photo Mitch and I were sprinting to the bathroom, and while we were gone Maria fell asleep on Chuck's shoulder. They slept all night Saturday night AND they slept in until 7 AM!!!

It was a successful trip to The Dells in 2008! Mitchell enjoyed himself thoroughly in the water park, at "Condo-land", and with all of his friends! I wish we had a photo of the big wave pool as he and Chuck were wave jumping and the waves were 2 feet above Chuck's head!!! Mitchell just giggled and by the end of the afternoon he was jumping into the waves himself!

We had 3 condos with 3 families each: Weiders, Chapmans, & Hoffmans; Pickars, Neumans, & Woodcocks; and Hepolas, Ulrichs, & Rademachers. Besides the water park we had a good time playing adult board games and The Question game. Chuck even got a couple games of Cribbage in over the weekend! Everyone was so great--Mitchell had a fabulous time! He's come a long way since last year. The photos speak for themselves!