Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thomas the Tank Engine and the Fire Dog

We picked up the kids from Weecare Daycare Center where they both had Halloween parties earlier. There is a parade in town for the little trick or treaters where the local businesses give out candy. They actually close down the main drag for an hour so the kiddos can go safely from store to store. We met Grandma and Grandpa downtown and they walked with us. It was pretty busy, so we didn't stand in line for much candy. It was fun just walking around and seeing all of the costumes! Mitch would "choo choo" up to the people and they would put his candy in his little smoke stack in front!

After the parade we met Grandma and Grandpa at our house where they brought us dinner from the "Chicken Nugget Store"--even though we only got cheeseburgers by mistake!!! We survived, nothing a few Reese's Peanutbutter Cups couldn't solve! Mitch really got into the trick or treating spirit around our neighborhood--everyone was so great! We are about the only kids they expected to see and they had special bags made for both kids at every house!

We stopped by the Dombeck's house to see their set up--talk about a family's favorite holiday!!! They had smoke machines and mechanical frankensteins and his bride and all kinds of lights and spooky stuff!

Then it was on to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the last stop! Happy Halloween!

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