Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Choo Choo Bob's

Mitchell & Thomas--you can just imagine Thomas saying, "Choo Choo!"
Natalie & Maria hanging tight!

Cousins Thomas, Dan, Natalie
Peter, Thomas, Natalie, and Mitchell

Happy Birthday to Thomas and Natalie Hoffman!

They turned four years old on October 15th, 2007!

We enjoyed an afternoon at Choo Choo Bob's in St.Paul with Thomas and Natalie, Peter and his mom, Cousin Dan Neshiem, Aunt Barb, Aunt Lisa & Uncle Steve, and Grandma Pudge. We were busy playing trains, eating pizza and birthday cake and watching the electric trains go clickity clack clickity clack!

Mitchell got a haircut! I asked him if he wanted to go to "Barber Bob's", which is now run by Barber Buzz, and he said, "No, I want to go to Grandma's haircut store!" So we stopped in at Family Salon and Mitch got a haircut while Grandma had her hair done in the next chair over!
First it was Natalie's pants, now it's Mom's tights--I'm a little worried about this boy! He wore the same Thomas the tank engine shirt 3 days in a row last week. Hey, whatever works to get me to work on time! A teacher, Anne, from my school also brings her girls, Lily and Cora, to Weecare Daycare, and she caught me the other morning feeding Mitch and Maria Pringles on the way to drop them off! She said I was an awesome mom--and told half the teachers at CFHS my trick! If they only knew...
And last, but not least, another still life by Mitch--new Thomas the Tank Engine shoes his dad picked out for him. This was a photo taken by Mitchell.

September Recapped

Grandpa turned 66 on September 1, 2007 and he's still swingin'!
Maria, Kirsten, Uncle Brent, and Mitchell hanging out and eating at Dad's final retirement party on Septmeber 8, 2007. We were enjoying a lovely picnic dinner grilled up by none other than Chuck Hoffman, Grill Master.
Dad and all his "Druggie" buddies! Lots of Pharmacists around that day!
Maria is finally getting some hair in the back! She loves her pony tails! She's always smiling, and she has such fun teasing her brother!
Nice Ponies!