Wednesday, June 27, 2007

This IS Summer!

We have been having some good ole times at the Hoffman house on Hazel Street!

Maria is still a very good eater--she eats everything we do! Mitch loves his mashed potatoes, and is getting really good at making them too. He tells me what to put in them, "Now we need the milk...we need a little bit a put it in the microwave, Mom, it gets too hot!"

Maria has finally discovered Sesame Street, or I should say I finally let her watch it when I was busy trying to get Mitch to nap! Today he finally fell asleep with his race cars lined up across the top of his pillow. He loves to play cars and in the sandbox.

Mitch and Maria both love to help around the house. Today Mitch was helping me trim the little trees sticking through our fence from the neighbor's lot, and Maria was carrying the twigs to the campfire pit!

Mitch has been asking for a visit from his three and a half year old cousins, Thomas and Natalie. He must have been dreaming about them one morning as he woke up talking about them! Tomorrow they will have a great time playing together! Grandma and Grandpa will be dropping in for dinner tomorrow night too. They are heading up North for the weekend, so we won't be making our weekly visit--pretty soon we won't have to schedule visits because we'll be close enough to just drop in!

Some of these photos just speak for themselves!

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