Tandem Riders
Hi Ho Silver! Not far from the Lone Ranger - could Tanto' be a girl?! I'm quite sure my older brother never let me be the Lone Ranger. Always the side kick, but who cares as long as he let me play?!
Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner this evening. Take out from Panera was all we had energy for tonight! We're spoiled - soon our only take out options will be Subway or Pizza--oh, yeah, and Cannon Falls also has a McDonald's! We're really cookin' now! Happy Meals all around!
As you can see by the photos, these kids can get G & G to do just about anything for them! What a great pair! And what lucky kids!
We got a "we laughed so hard we cried" time when we were going through a box of hand-me-downs from Cousin Natalie for Maria. Mitchell found some of Natalie's purple pants and just had to put them on. Here's a kid who only wears blue sweat pants on ninety degree days, and he comes running out in Natalie's purple flowered pants! Grandma and I were beside ourselves wondering if this will be his next favorite?!