Saturday, May 14, 2011

Burrrrrrrthday at the Lake Park!

We celebrated Mitchell's 7th birthday at the 3rd annual Green Lake Park party! We missed his buddy Sam this year who usually celebrates his birthday together with Mitch. There were so many friends there playing - we had a great time. We did see some snow flakes about the time we were packing up to go home - it was mighty cold and the rain seemed to mostly hold off. We went for the cake and presents right away - our fingers were pretty cold, but the kids still had fun playing together. Mitch's friends sure know what he likes - he scored 8 Beyblades to play battling tops as well as the aqua sand and leggos he already put together and played with this afternoon. We're waiting for warmer weather to make use of the Super Soakers, but the Nurf dart gun is great for the rainy weather! Mitch invites "Grandpa's friend Paul" every year, and this year "Grandma's friend Sandy" was finally able to make it as well!!!