Saturday, November 13, 2010

First Snow Fall 2010


Halloween started at school for the kids. Elmo (Maria) had a pumpkin party on Friday and I walked down from the high school to visit her classroom. I got to watch her do one of the games/activities they had prepared for the kids. Lots of fun costumes. I stopped by Mitchell's classroom and got a photo of him and his best friend Ty playing a Halloween Bingo game. Cannon Kids, the after school care had a party as well. Down town Cannon Falls has trick or treating from 4-5 pm so the kids stocked up there too! That night we went to the PTO Halloween Bash-what a busy day...and it wasn't even Halloween yet!!!

Mitchell has a Knock Knock joke book he got from Grandma - he thinks it's a hoot! he can hardly read the jokes because he is laughing so hard! He was reading some jokes to the sock monkey - or maybe he fell asleep from laughing so much?!
We love when Brother Chris visits! He's a pretty big deal at our house! Most times he brings his lady friend, Allie, who we love as much too! Mitchell wrote at school that he has 1 brother and 2 sisters!
Mitch made a masterpiece out of his dinner - and you may be surprised to hear that he ate it all too!
We always need to prepare ahead of time for Halloween - Mitchell has a tough time picking out his costume - this year he did wear a Ninja costume from his buddy Hudson Neumann! Maria wore Elmo again - it's always nice and warm. On Halloween she actually decided on a Tinkerbell costume at the last minute!
The kids made masks for Mom and Dad - we were really scarey!

First Day of School 2010

Mitchell started 1st grade and loves his teacher, Mrs. Bracken. Maria has pre-school with Miss Megan and Miss Kim on Monday, Wednesday, & Fridays. Maria gets to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Mitchell gets to ride the school bus there on those days. One day Mitch was missing for about 25 minutes - he followed his friend onto the wrong bus and was too scared to answer the bus driver when they were looking for him!
Maria goes to Dance class on Tuesdays and loves it!

Both kids are learning and growing so fast-Mitch is reading and is like a sponge.
Chuck returned to school this fall too - taking 3 night classes at Metro State for his Business Administration Bachelor's degree - while working full time/over time for BIC also. He works very hard at his day job and at his college courses. The kids miss him terrible as he is gone 3 nights a week and then has homework on the weekends!

Mitchell's First Twins Game!

Mitchell went to his first Twins game in August with Grandpa, Dad, and Brother Chris.
Grandpa made a sign for Mitchell:
"Circle me, Bert! My first Twins game, Age 6!"
Unfortunately, Bert wasn't there that day! Otherwise I am sure that Mitch would have been circled! The guys were at the top row way out in the field - they got the breeze from behind them though!
Chuck and Mitch walking through the Corridor at Target field - love this photo!

My favorite guys (just missing Uncle Brent): Brother Chris, Grandpa, Mitch & Dad getting ready to go to the game.

State Fair 2010

Mitchell wore his Sock Monkey hat all over the Fair - now he's wearing it to stay warm too!

Maria chose to have Princess Hair Do! We waited about an hour for her turn - she loved it! Until it was time to wash it out-of course!