Friday, August 6, 2010

Summer Times 2010

We've had lots of fun this summer with Baseball and our pool. The pool was given to us by Mitch and Maria's Aunt Kim and Uncle Greg - they got a bigger one, which means in a couple years we may just inherit another, bigger pool!!! We've had evenings with the neighbors while the kids swim, I've been able to read a couple pages in a book before the kids need something, and we're all getting nice tans even though we're going through sunscreen like crazy!

Aunt Lisa and Uncle Steve are home for a few weeks from Cairo, Egypt, so we had a Hoffman Clan gathering and even had some extended family from Canada at our house! Marlene and Pat are Chuck's aunts who flew in from Washington DC/Maryland and stayed for 10 days to hang out with all of us - we always have a great time and they are hilarious! The kids had a great time playing with cousins Thomas and Natalie who have been in Egypt for the last school year and also Neil, Jake, Kyra, and Kylie who brought the pool. Cousin Dan came down from Brainerd for the afternoon to see all of us too! Brother Chris was working at his show "All Shook Up" at Lyric Arts theater in Anoka, so he made it down later; however, Allie made it down early to help set up and watch kids...and she got to have a good conversation with Grandpa Gary!

I've been working on coordinating my 20 year class reunion for CFHS with my high school friends. I've been looking forward to it all summer!

Dad and Chuck have tickets to Brainerd International Speedway to see the Drag Races, so we are all heading up to Brainerd for a few days to enjoy sun and swimming - let's hope the weather cooperates! Mom and I have been saving puzzles and other goodies in case we have some rainy days! We return and I go back to work full time. It's been nice to have time off to see friends, go to the zoo and the park, make appointments, and not have to worry about getting up and ready to go in the mornings with the kids! Mitchell starts 1st grade on September 7th and Maria will be attending PreSchool and spending time with Grandma and Grandpa a couple days a week...lucky girl!