Sunday, September 6, 2009

State Fair 2009

I had several second thoughts with the H1N1 around, but the food cravings and a day with the family at the fair won out! Mitchell and Maria were very well behaved and had a great time! Maria had Mini Donuts and Mitchell chose fresh fruit--what the heck?! I told him Grandma would be very proud that he picked such a nutritious treat! He also had a pronto pup, or "corndog on a stick" that he ordered. And after not wanting anything else he ate most of my Dole Whip cool treat! Maria watched a lot of people and gave them smiles. She liked the horses--one cow almost laid a cow pie right on Chuck! We spent some time on the kiddy rides - people kept giving me their extra tickets, so we had enough for both kids to go on one more ride! We also went through the John Deere farmer's market so the kids could get their JD visors. We got to see a couple larger than life Backyardigan Characters (Uniqua and Pablo). Mitchell was amazed at the crowd...he wanted me to lift him up to see everybody down the street! We drank lots of water and used lots of wipes!

Today is our family picnic at the Sigmeths. It is my signal that the summer is over--every year on Labor Day weekend we all gather for a last hr-rah. We usually bid farewell with, "See you at Christmas!"

Memphis-St.Louis Trip

Chuck and I took a whirlwind trip with Amy&Doug Dombeck down to Memphis. Grandma & Grandpa Sigmeth graciously accepted the responsibility of Mitchell & Maria Thursday evening around 4:30 pm through Sunday about 8:30 pm. Amy borrowed her dad, LeRoy's 1994 conversion van - what a great set up. The Dombecks and the Hoffmans share the month of August for wedding anniversaries and decided to take a road trip. You know the honeymoon is over when you take a couple with you on an Anniversary trip!!!

With Amy & Doug as our tour guides we saw Graceland, had the best BBQ at Interstate BBQ, took a stroll on Beale Street, & survived a flat tire (with assistance from our good samaritan, Henry). Saturday morning we took off for St. Louis and stopped at the Arch - the gateway to the West! We had a great time at Union Station for dinner as well as a late night stroll around the city of St. Louis. Chuck loved the city and it's architecture and I enjoyed the nice soft beds and sleeping through the night without kids waking me up to accompany them to the bathroom! On the way out of town we stopped in Jherico for a bathroom break - we are happy to not have disappeared from the face of the earth! We had brunch at Lambert's-home of the throwed rolls!

As you can see there are no photos. South of the Minnesota border I happened to delete them all. Very disappointing! I'm thinking of taking another trip there someday with the long as we bring walkie talkies and follow the Dombecks so Amy can say, "As you look to your left you will see..."