Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lake Park in Winter

Mitchell has been fighting a tough virus the past few days...he still wanted to spend a few minutes at the Lake Park! The kids rode on the snowmobile with their dad and then they rode home in the car with me!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Grandma Helen's Birthday Party

Happy Birthday, MOM! She is as beautiful as ever!
These photos are for Dad. Just in case he happens to check our blog--it just wasn't the same without you here, Dad! We had your photo up on the computer though, so you were here in spirit! We talked about the postcards Grandpa sent and all the reading and walking and museum trips he and Uncle John have been doing. Uncle John fishes for dinner, but Grandpa makes his famous chili to supplement just in case he's not catching anything, or the weather is bad. The postcards he sent said 78 degrees on them. A mere 100 degree difference from us that day as we were at 20 below zero here!

Chris visits!

Chris came over for dinner with his friend Allie. She is awesome! The kids loved her right away--it was almost as nice as having Grandma come over! They left our house to head over to Brent and Wendy's for conversation--and because we were ready for bed, and Brent and Wendy are night owls! It works out great for Chris! Chris also helped us move a nice hand me down desk downstairs--Chuck set up an office and Mitchell has his very own desk and computer on the end of the big desk! Mitchell helped Mom clean for Grandma Helen's birthday party and Maria was busy painting her nails for the big fancy dinner! Maria took the photo of me with the weight ball...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Unedited Christmas

The kids got scooters at Grandma and Grandpa Sigmeth's house! Santa dropped off a councer too-it makes music and counts and animal noises and jumping games...that Santa sure knows his stuff! I'm sure Mrs. Claus helps out an awful lot with her woman's intuition. Mitchell is very cautious getting on the scooter, Maria takes off doing the one legged trick-stunts! Sounds familiar, eh Brother Brent?!
The holidays were great fun--we got to see Brother Chris and the kids sure loved having him here! We all did.
Now we get the colds and the snow while Grandpa is staying warm down in Rockport, Texas!