Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sand Angel

Mitchell was making sand angels. Look closely. I think he has a halo!!! He is an angel! "Like Grandma!" he said.

Kids in Cannon

Mud Pies!

Both kids have adjusted well to the move and to their new daycare center. They love to play in the sand box!

New Home

Yes, that's the Duster in the second stall!
Mitchell refers to the shed as the "barn", so I guess we do live in the country!
This is the livingroom-the front window faces the street.
Maria just had the croup--the first germ from the new daycare. She had a round of steroids and has a nebulizer to clear up her chest. She is doing much better and Mom & Dad are looking forward to some sleep some day here soon!
Don't look now, but Mitch is wearing something other than his blue sweat pants! He wore his Thomas PJs last night and changed back into them himself when he got home from daycare this afternoon. I wish he had intended on going to bed, but that was not the case. He was just "pretending to sleep."

I've gotten requests to put photos of the new house on the blog. I'm not a great photographer, but you get the idea. Funny, the garage looks bigger than the house! It gives you a good idea of the new place until you make a trip to Cannon Falls!